+49 221 33 77 23-0
Criminal Labour Law

Labour Law

What is Criminal Labour Law

Employment Contracts are governed by numerous rules and regulations, a violation of which can be a criminal offence (i.e. the violation of work time regulations). These rules are not only determined by Employment Law in general, but are influenced by regulations from many other fields of law, i.e. Social Security Law or Tax Law.

Among the day-to-day questions are those concerning the distinction between employment and service contracts, the employment of foreign workers or the deployment of workers abroad, the requirements imposed by collective labour agreements or specific labour law rules of clerical employers. Non-compliance in these areas may constitute a misdemeanour or a criminal offence.

We represent businesspeople and companies against alike allegations before all authorities. Our compliance counselling for Human Resource Departments helps companies to avoid legal violations in this area through personalised compliance checks. When choosing Tsambikakis & Partner for your questions in Criminal Labour Law, you will benefit from our long-year experience working in and with the legal and HR departments of numerous renowned companies.

Who hires us

  • Directors, Boards
  • Supervisory Boards
  • HR managers
  • Compliance Officers

Point of Contact

 Simone Lersch Simone Lersch  Ole Mückenberger Ole Mückenberger Prof. Dr. Frank Saliger Prof. Dr. Frank Saliger  Volker Ettwig Volker Ettwig  Britta Alexandra Michel Britta Alexandra Michel Our 360° Services